By 3:35 PM

On April 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 6-months-old! 

Weight: 17lbs 15oz! Sutter is still pretty chubby but its all belly and cheeks. He has the shortest legs, thanks to his daddy. 

Length: 26.5 inches! 

Size: 3-6 months still. I bought all 6-12 month for summer, but it is HUGE. I wish baby sizes were consistent. He is too big for some 6 month things, but 6-12 is giant, and 9 month fits. We are in size 3 diapers now too.  

Hair: The bald spot is starting to grow some hair (enter excitement)! He still has the fabulous rat tail and the back bangs. His hair is so, so long. He needs a cut probably, but I think I am going to try and wait until 1 year. It's also a bit lighter I think. Still brown, but light. 

Eyes: I don't even know. They look blue, but grey and also brown. Who knows? Haha.  

Nicknames: Literally everything under the sun. Booger and Bug are pretty frequently used. 

Sleeping: We are back in the crib, Hallelujah! He goes to bed anywhere from 6-7. It depends on what time he woke up from his nap that day. He is normally up 1-2 times at night. Normally 2 naps during the day, they range from 45min-2 hours. 

Diet: Still exclusively breastfed. We plan on introducing foods this month! 

Health: Had some reflux issues this month. So he was switched from Zantac to Prevacid. It has seemed to help some, but not a ton. 

Milestones/Memorable Moments:
  • Rolling from back to belly!!!
  • Sleeping back in the crib.
  • First Easter
  • First pair of shorts!
  • Talking. 
  • Baths.
  • Being naked.
  • Front facing in the Ergo 360. 
  • Watching TV.

  • Being held while sitting. 
  • Putting clothes on/taking them off.
  • Being hungry. 
  • Having acid reflux.
  • Having to get in the carseat.