By 9:31 PM ,

On February 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 4-months-old! 

Weight: 14 pounds 10 ounces of pure chunky love! 

Length: 25 inches! We went from the 25 percentile to the 51st in height!

Size: Mostly in 3-6 month clothes, but some 0-3 items still work. I have had to put away almost all 0-3 month things, and it. is. heartbreaking. When did my baby get so big? We are also in size 2 diapers! 

Hair: Perfect rectangular bald spot on the back of his head with the most adorable rat tail underneath (haha)! His hair is so, so thick on top and some days it looks very light and others it looks much darker. He is also starting to get some Amish type side burn bang type things going on as well.  

Eyes: Up until this month they have been a dark blue, but I think they are starting to change a bit. They are still primarily blue, but I am starting to see some brown in them as well. 

Nicknames: Buddy, Honey, Baby, love-bug, Sutty Buddy... 

Sleeping: We get one long stretch from about 8:30-2:30 and then it's up every 2-3 hours. I ordered a Zipadee-Zip and plan on transitioning out of the swaddle as soon as that arrives. We will also be moving him to his crib in his own room (AHHHHH) this month as well. We got some mesh bumpers so I feel a lot more comfortable with him sleeping in their while unswaddled. 

Diet: Exclusively breastfed. We don't plan on introducing any type of solids until 6 months. 

Health: Overall very healthy. Is a little congested at the moment. Handled his shots like a champ! His reflux has been acting up a bit this month. We upped his dosage of Zantac to help. 

Milestones/Memorable Moments:
  • He puked on my head while sitting on my shoulders right after showering.
  • Trying to roll over all the time. He is so close from back to front. Doesn't seem interested from front to back at all. 
  • Laughing more and more. It is still hard to get him to laugh on command, but I hoping this next month it gets easier. 
  • Talking. LOUDLY.
  • The mamaRoo. It has been a lifesaver. 
  • His O-Ball.
  • Still baths, always baths. 
  • His dad. He loves that guy so much. 
  • Still standing. And now he wants you to stand while holding him. 
  • His Li-Li. He seriously loves my mom so much. He just smiles and talks to her. 
  • Diaper changes on his changing pad.
  • Sleeping with momma in the morning after dad goes to work. 

  • Being held while sitting. 
  • Having gas. 
  • Being hungry. 
  • Still tummy time. But we have improved so much since last month!