On May 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 7-months-old!
Weight: 19 lbs.
Length: 27.25 inches
Size: Mostly 6-12/6-9 month clothing. Still a few 3-6 month things, but they are getting very small. I think we have till the end of this month with his 6 month jammies. Buddy is getting big. He is still in size 3 diapers, but I think we might be moving up to size 4 pretty quick. We've had a lot of leakage lately. Side note (sort of), we bought a Royals t-shirt from Old Navy and the smallest size they had was 12-18 months, but we figured after washing and drying it would shrink enough. He wore it Sunday before it had been washed and it fit well. How is my 7-month-old wearing a 12-18 month shirt??!?!?
Hair: LONG. Beach baby style. The back of his head still doesn't have much, but it's FINALLY starting to grow in! It's still a medium(it) brown, but I have started to notice a reddish tint! So cute!
Eyes: Still not really sure. Blue, brown, grey, green? No idea.
Nicknames: Too many. Noodle is a new favorite.
Sleeping: This past month was crazy. He was not sleeping well at all. It was impossible to get him down and then he would wake up a couple hours later. Every couple hours. And he was waking up every morning between 4-5 am. Nightmare. But (fingers crossed), the past several night have been wonderful with him only waking once!!
Diet: We introduced solids this past month! He has had sweet potato, strawberry, pear, carrot, and avocado. Oh, my mom did give him a couple little bites of cheesy-grits! He LOVES food. He screams when we don't get it into his mouth quick enough. He loves puffs too. He does a pretty good job of using the pincher grab and getting things to his mouth. We are still working with a sippy cup. I wanted to use a straw-cup so that I don't have to transition from this to this to this, but so far, no luck. He is still breastfeeding as well.
Health: Healthy and happy! He did get his first bruise this month. Poor dude knocked his noggin' on his crib.
Milestones/Memorable Moments:
- SCOOTING EVERYWHERE. He is so, so close to crawling.
- Solids for the first time.
- Using a sippy for the first time.
- First time swinging.
- Teething like a mother.
- Screaming.
- Chewing on everything.
- Baths.
- Being naked.
- JUMPING. Literally loves to jump all day long.
- His daddy. The boy loves his daddy.
- Watching TV.
- Being held while sitting.
- Putting clothes on/taking them off.
- When I leave the room.
- Having to get in the carseat.