On August 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 10-months-old!
Weight: I would guess probably around 20.5 lbs, maybe 21 lbs.
Length: Around 28.5 inches or so.
Size: Still all over the place. I have bought a couple things for his birthday in October and those have been 12 or 12-18 months. So still in 6-12 mostly now, but will be transitioning to 12-18 months around fall time. Still in size 3 diapers, but next time I need to buy those I am going to switch to size 4 I think. He is starting to leak out of 3's.
Hair: He got a hair cut the beginning of this month. :( So sad, but he looks so cute and so much older! It's crazy. It seems a lot thicker now. Still a dark-ish blonde color.
Eyes: Hazel I think.
Nicknames: Sutter Butt.
Sleeping: Sleeping through the night like a dream baby! Goes down between 7:30-8 pm and wakes up anywhere from 6-7 am. It's so amazing! He is still taking two naps each day and those are typically anywhere from 2-3 hours long.
Diet: 3 solid meals-a-day, plus snacks. He is still nursing too, but I he has cut way back. I am going to introduce almond or coconut milk within the next couple months. I am super proud of both of us for nursing this long!
Health: Healthy!
Milestones/Memorable Moments:
- Can use a straw sippy
- Standing on his own
- Waves 'bye-bye'
- Says "Stella"
- First Haircut
- Uses 'mama' and 'dada' correctly
- Says 'yeah'
- Gives high-fives
- Music
- Pulling on Stella's tail
- Itsy
- Other kids/babies
- When Dada comes home
- Being tickled
- Dancing with Momma
- Reading before bedtime
- Playing with anything but his toys
- Being tired
- Sitting still
- Having his diaper changed.