By 6:55 AM ,

On June 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 8-months-old! 

Weight: Around 20 lbs I think. 

Length: Not sure on length. I would say like 27.5 inches or so. 

Size: Still mostly 6-12. Although, the large portion of his summer shorts are 3-6 months. He is top heavy for sure. Size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 for nighttime. We haven't had anymore leakage at night since moving up sizes! 

Hair: Really long. People keep calling him a girl, which is super annoying, because he doesn't look anything like a girl. I am really hoping to hold out on the haircut till 12 months, but I don't know if that is going to be possible. His hair is so long in the front and on the sides it's staring to get in his eyes. It's still a medium to light brown with a reddish tint. 

Eyes: My dad swears they are brown, but they still have some blue in them too. I think they are going to be a grey-ish or a hazel-ish color. But only time will tell. 

Nicknames: Bug is what I always call him. Or butt. I know, I'm a great mom. 

Sleeping: Some nights it's pretty decent, others no so much. Teething has been kicking our butt along with really messing with Sutter's sleep. He goes down between 7-8 depending on how tired he is acting. Normally is up one time and then back down till 6 or so. Sometimes he is up more than once though. We have a routine, but I still do naps and bedtime more so on demand. Normally two naps that range anywhere from 1-2.5 hours. 

Diet: Still breastfed. Hoping to make it to a year! Eats every 2-3 hours or so. Still doing solids at dinner time. I think I will probably start doing breakfast next month as well. The kid loves to eat. 

Health: Healthy and happy! 

Milestones/Memorable Moments:
  • Can get himself into the sitting position on his own now! 
  • TEETH! He has one, and is working on the other!
  • Second Royals game! 
  • Trying lots of new foods.
  • Has started to try and pull himself up and can stand for a few seconds at a time.
  • In a convertible carseat now! 
  • Scooting.  
  • Going places he's not supposed to. 
  • Stella and Itsy.
  • Eating. 
  • Little Einstein's 
  • Playing with his dads hair. 

  • Being sleepy. 
  • Apparently having his monthly photo taken.
  • Having his diaper changed. 
  • When I leave the room.
  • When he can't get food into his mouth fast enough.