By 7:16 AM ,

On July 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 9-months-old! 

Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz (which sounds big but is only the 41%).

Length: 28.25 inches! He has gotten tall (still only the 47% though). 

Size: Baby clothes are stupid. He is all over the place. Still 3-6 month shorts (some 6-12 too, but only a few of those fit), 12 month two-piece pjs, but 9 month or 9-12 month sleepers, 6-12 month onesies, but anywhere from 6-12 to 18 month t-shirts. It's annoying how all over the place clothes are. He's in size 3 diapers during the day and 4's at night still.  

Hair: Still really long. I cannot bring myself to cut it. I don't know if I will be able to. It's so sweet and starting to curl now since it's long. Still pretty consistently called a girl, but I've just learned to ignore peoples ignorance. It's a light brownish blonde with a red tint. 

Eyes: Hazel with blue in there too. They are really neat looking. 

Nicknames: Stinker; because it's so, so fitting. 

Sleeping: After a month of little to no sleep we couldn't deal anymore. He was coming into our bed around 11-12 every night and not sleeping, but rather tossing and turning. It was horrible for everyone. His well-baby appointment was the 13th and we brought it up with our pedi and she gave us some advice, we took it and he has been sleeping through the night ever since. I can now nurse him, lay him down AWAKE and he goes (pretty much) right to sleep. Still taking 2 naps that are about 1.5-2 hours long. Sleeps at night from about 7:30pm-6:00am- it's amazing!

Diet: Still nursing. I can tell he's not nursing as much though. No more middle of the night feeding. Eats probably anywhere from 6-10 times a day. We also do 3 meals a day now too. He is typically a great eater, but lately he's been throwing his food more than eating it. I think it might have something to do with his teeth bothering him. 

Health: Other than teething he is great! 

Milestones/Memorable Moments:
  • Standing. 
  • Got his second tooth! 
  • Had meat for the first time. 
  • Crawling (the correct way)
  • Mastered the sippy cup. 
  • All over the place. He never stops.
  • Signs for "more". 
  • Gives kisses on command.
  • Is no longer the baby of the family on his dad's side.
  • Sleeping through the night!
  • Being into everything he's not supposed to.
  • Standing and trying to walk.
  • Stella and Itsy.
  • Riding on dada's shoulders. 
  • Playing with his toys. 
  • Bathtime
  • His Li-Li

  • Being hungry.
  • Still taking a monthly photo.
  • Having his diaper changed.
  • When I leave the room.
  • When someone stops him from doing what he wants.