By 7:14 PM ,

On January 7, 2015 Sutter J. turned 3-months-old! 

Weight: 13 pounds 

Length: 23.25 inches

Size: We are still in 0-3 month clothes primarily. Except sleepers, we packed all of his 3 month ones. He is in 6 month sleepers now (ALL THE TEARS). We are also starting to work in some 3-6 month things too. He is a shorty so most pants in 3-6 months are so long! But his 0-3 month pants are starting to get a little bit too snug in the waist. Chubby boy. 

Hair: Has a pretty large bald spot in the back now. It looks awesome. But he is still rocking the rat tail and the long (super long) on top look. I think it looks like his hair is starting to get a little bit lighter, but it is still brown. 

Nicknames: Buddy, Sutter J., lovebutt, sugar, lil' bub, Sutter-Bug, etc... 

Sleeping: Still sleeping relatively well. Not all the way through the night anymore, but still does pretty well. We are normally up 1-2 times. Takes a nap in the morning around 10 until 12 or so. 

Diet: Exclusively breastfed. I am trying to pump still, but i absolutely hate it. He has still only taken a bottle a handful of times, but I need to start trying more often so he stays skilled at it. 

Health: Had his first cold this month. Poor little buddy was sick for a couple weeks. :( 

  • We got our first GIGGLE this month. It was absolutely the cutest freaking thing I ever heard. It has only happened once so far, but I think we will be getting more soon. He gives away smiles all the time and he trys to laugh I think he is just trying to figure it out.
  • Lots and lots of talking! I love hearing his little voice! 
  • Eating. Always eating. 
  • Playing with his Glowy toy. 
  • Baths. Seriously, this kid is a freaking fish. I love it.
  • Talking with mommy and daddy.
  • Standing. He always wants to stand. He never ever wants to sit or lay with me. Just stand. 
  • Sleeping with mommy in the morning after daddy leaves. 
  • Diaper changes on his changing pad.
  • When I poke his cheeks/play with his mouth. 

  • Tummy time. He absolutely hates it. 
  • Being in the car seat when we aren't moving in the car or stroller. 
  • Being hungry.