On December 7, 2104 Sutter turned 2-months-old!
Weight: 11 pounds 10 ounces
Length: 22.25 inches
Size: Size 1 diapers! Can still wear some of his newborn clothes, but transitioning into 0-3 month things! Waaah! My baby is getting so big.
Hair: It's grown a lot, but he has started to lose some around the sides as well as the back of his head.
Nicknames: Still Buddy a lot. Along with, honey, angle, sweet boy, lovebug, etc...
Sleeping: He rocked the whole sleeping thing at 2 months! He was blissfully sleeping through the night and was taking 3 naps a day. He is much more awake and alert
Diet: Exclusively breastfed. We tried a bottle at 6 weeks, but he hasn't taken one much. He rocks it when he does though! The kid will eat however whenever. We are still having to use the shield while nursing, but I am hoping we can transition out of that soon.
Health: Everything has been great. Sutter has started taking Zantac twice daily to help with he reflux. So far it doesn't seem to have made a huge difference, but hopefully it will start to help. Right now he just hates taking it. Dalton and I tasted it and I understand why, it's terrible! Poor buddy!
- I'm going to call sleeping through the night a milestone!
- We are starting to get more and more smiles and he has found his voice! It's so funny watching him learn new things
- Bathtime! He is seriously like a little fish. He loves his baths with daddy! Dalton always does bathtime, it's their bonding time. SO CUTE!
- Still loves riding in the car seat and also the stroller. He pretty much always, always falls asleep while riding in the seat.
- When I make robot noises and poke his belly. He gets the cheesiest grin on his face! I absolutely love it.
- EATING. The boy never stops.
- Cuddling with daddy.
- Diaper changes. He still hates them!
- Taking off/putting on clothes. Not a fan. It's gotten better, but still not something any of us enjoy. Yup, this is still the same.
- Being hungry.